Keep us updated on your next steps. We can’t wait to find out how you’re getting on and hear about your achievements – great or small, personal or professional. We’re much more than just your old university; we’re a lifelong, global community that you can always count on with over 13,000 successful graduates.
One community – a host of events. Meet up with fellow former IMC students at IMC alumni network meetings or join in with the activities of the IMC International Chapters based all over the world.
More about our worldwide alumni network IMC Alumni Network on LinkedIn
The IMC job portal is a hub that brings together students, alumni and companies. You can make use of the university’s career and alumni services both during your studies and after you graduate. Our team provides careers advice, manages the IMC job portal and organises the Career Links recruitment fair.
Now is the time to celebrate your achievement in the proper style. Let’s make your graduation ceremony a day to remember.
Graduation ceremonies take place in the main hall at Campus Krems (Wing G1), a venue with plenty of space to celebrate with your friends and relatives.
The ceremony begins after you and the other graduating students make your formal entrance. The programme directors and other representatives of the university will then offer some inspirational thoughts for you to take away.
Following the academic pledge, each student is invited to the stage in turn to collect their degree certificate.
At the end of the ceremony, you can toast your graduation with your friends and family – including on the terrace outside the hall, weather permitting.
Need more details? Don’t worry, we’ll be in touch with everything you need to know about your graduation ceremony well in advance of the big day.
Tell us what you’ve been up to. We want to integrate your know-how into the degree programmes of the future. Your feedback is extremely valuable – for us and for everyone who is studying at IMC Krems.
We’ve also developed special event formats for our alumni that are all about networking, mentoring and sharing expertise.
Meet up with your former classmates – and build up a global network of contacts as an active member of our community.
Alumni network meetings are a platform for graduates to broaden and maintain their networks.
At these inspirational events, alumni are joined by representatives from IMC Krems and a wide range of industries. It often turns out to be much more than a chance to catch up. In recent years, social evenings have set the wheels in motion for numerous internship and job opportunities as well as exciting projects.
London, Zurich, Madrid: alumni network meetings take place in cities all over the world, with Vienna home to the largest IMC alumni community. Get an overview of when and where upcoming social evenings are taking place.
For several years now, IMC Alumni Ambassadors have been working hard to achieve this goal. They are graduates who work voluntarily and found IMC Alumni Chapters in the city where they currently live. Their work includes supporting students who are completing internships or exchange semesters in their area by acting as mentors, or organising events for their local alumni community.
Internationalisation, networking and bringing people together is part of my daily work. So it is only natural that I want to do all this as an alumni ambassador as well. I have enjoyed my time as a student at the IMC Krems very much and being an alumni ambassador gives me the chance to stay in touch with my alma mater, profit from the know-how of others and share experiences of my own. Especially when being far away from home, it is great to meet people with the same background and similar interests.
As I had an unforgettable time in Krems during my Masters, I wanted to continue this great spirit back in my home country. Now that I teach at an 'FH' myself, I appreciate this time even more. As there are many (international) alumni currently working here in the Netherlands, I hope we can reconnect and gain useful network connections while reliving the IMC atmosphere.
I have enjoyed my time as a student at the IMC Krems so much and being an Alumni Ambassador gives me the chance to keep in touch with our Baku network. It will be an amazing feeling to bring people together and to support them, being that by exchanging ideas and experience, linking networks or organising events and maybe due to this networking platform long-lasting friendships as well as professional relationships may arise.
The main reason to assume the extraordinary opportunity to become an IMC Krems Alumni Ambassador is the chance to reconnect with former study peers, gain new connections with students who studied at our outstanding institution and offer my existing networks, knowledge and expertise to students, alumni and faculty of IMC Krems as well as its stakeholders.
Hi Basel-IMC-Alumni! The Network with great people from industry, research & academia is the key feature of IMC. By creating this Alumni-Chapter in Basel, a home to many biotech and pharmaceutical companies, I believe we can be part of the big network and share knowledge and experiences with each other. I am sure there are many of us out there ;) – Looking forward to getting to know YOU!
I am very happy to stay in contact with IMC and to build a network with alumnis.
The role as Alumni Ambassador enables to connect and build relationships beyond your daily business by sharing a similar experience. Throughout the exchange, among the IMC (FH) Krems alumni network, with diverse professional backgrounds, new impulses are set, which enables a continues learning path essential to master the new work. By facilitating to create a versatile network both graduates as well as experienced professionals will likewise contribute with their individual expertise. Berlin itself offers great opportunities to be jointly explored. I am seeking to create an open atmosphere, where, whether you are local or just passing by, the Berlin chapter is looking forward to welcoming you. Please feel free to reach out!
Get in touch to connect with us in Australia! I am proud to be part of a network that is growing stronger thanks to many IMC Alumni going global and moving across the world, same as I did back in 2014. Here’s to deepening our connections with the University, achieve personal goals, enhance our skills and share your experiences. I am looking forward to hosting a mix of virtual and face-to-face get togethers, representing Australia with my fellow Australian IMC Ambassador Martin Wisata. Let’s get connected and share our pride for IMC Krems!
Dear Alumni, for me networking is an essential aspect of life in Dubai and the UAE. I am looking forward to meeting other IMC Alumni living in Dubai, the other Emirates as well as the GCC region in the next Alumni Reunion in Dubai. In addition, I am also more than happy to support recent graduates or students on the lookout for job and internship opportunities in this fast growing city.
Hello from Cologne, the cosmopolitan city on the river Rhine. Studying at the IMC offered me plenty of great experiences and I always felt welcome and part of a big family. Now I would like to bring the IMC spirit back to Cologne, connecting the alumni that live in the area. I’m also happy to be a point of contact for people new to the region and to offer my network and expertise. Let’s connect the IMC and our local culture.
Hi from Frankfurt, the city of Goethe and the largest financial centre in Europe! I am proud to be the Alumni Ambassador of this vibrant city and I am really looking forward to meeting and greeting former as well as current students of the IMC. Let’s come together to build a strong (and joyful) network, exchange professional experiences and drink an „Äppelwoi“ or two to the good old days at the IMC Krems.
Having studied and worked in China for several years, I know about the importance and the benefits of friendships and networks, providing you with this special anchor you can always rely on. In my opinion the IMC and its alumni network is such an anchor, helping to bring people together, being that by exchanging ideas and experiences, by linking one another or by organizing events. Therefore, I feel privileged to be part of this team and I am looking forward to supporting this goal now in the Graz area.
Dear IMC Krems Alumni, I am happy to welcome you in Hamburg - the 2nd biggest city in Germany and the „door to the world“ as we proudly call it here. I am very honoured to be the IMC Alumni Ambassador for Hamburg and look forward to meeting and greeting many of you! I would like to build a strong network, exchange views and contacts and most important to make you feel at home here in the North of Germany.
"As Alumni Ambassador, i am looking forward to building up the imc network in vietnam and strengthening the alumni community."
IMC Krems made my first move abroad possible. Back then I came to Finland – on a hunch that I'd like living here. 8 years later I returned, probably to stay! By starting the Helsinki Alumni Chapter I'd love to help us all connect on the common basis of our IMC Krems background and leverage our professional networks. I also see the Alumni Chapter as a great way to involve IMC's new graduates or exchange students in a small community to jump-start their social activities in a new city.
I am delighted to officially become the ambassador for the Hungarian IMC Alumni Community. As I have always been an active member of IMC Krems, I have had the privilege of working closely with the Marketing Department over the past few years. Along the way, I could also grow as a person as I met amazing people from all over the world. However, a chapter is closing here for me, I feel honoured to be able to stay connected with prospective and current student as well as alumni by representing our university. Make sure to join our alumni group on LinkedIn and stay tuned for the upcoming meetup! Let's connect on LinkedIn or on Instagram (@hellogrety).
Connecting Individuals from diverse backgrounds and different professions can bring about unforeseen benefits and ideas for everyone involved. I hope that the Alumni Chapter can facilitate new friendships and organize new networks across the Western parts of Austria and beyond. Being part of and helping grow a network that aims to help each other is a big motivational factor for me. With that in mind - I am looking forward to meeting you!
In our digital world personal meetings gain significant importance. At our recent IMC Home Coming Weekend in Krems I was surprised to hear that in Carinthia still no IMC alumni chapter exists. Hence the establishment of an IMC alumni chapter in the beautiful South of Austria is a great opportunity. In my role as a new IMC ambassador I am looking forward to bringing people together, exchanging various experiences and perspectives from all around the world, developing new interlinks or just having a good time together.
I am very happy to be part of the worldwide Alumni Chapters at IMC Krems, mainly to get connected to other students and/or alumni from my home University. This also gives me a chance to create a network and get to know more people. I know it can be tough to move to another country, but I also know that it is easier if you have a network of people to fall back on.
"With more than 25% of Austria´s export, Upper Austria is a strong driver for our national economy. Its capital Linz, having developed as a crucial business location for various industries, attracts the best employees – among them many IMC alumni. The Stammtisch is a great opportunity to enhance one´s network, receive professional as well as personal input from others and most importantly getting to know the countless cultural facets our Steel City has to offer. If you are IMC Alumni living in or around Linz, I am looking forward to meet you and hear your story!"
Feel free to reach out.
I know how it feels being new in a country and how difficult it could be to connect with people. Therefore I want to act as contact point, bringing people together and to help new arrivals having a successful start in a new city. I want to succeed in bringing at least a small part of the IMC spirit to Madrid and maybe due to this networking platform long-lasting friendships as well as professional relationships may arise.
University was not always easy, but it was one of the best moments in my life. As an Alumni Ambassador, I am looking forward to meeting exciting personalities, experiencing moments together and thus "extending my study time”.
Feel free to reach out.
While studying at the IMC Krems I had an unforgettable time, met wonderful people and experienced a truly enriching student life. Since most of my fellow students live in the Eastern part of Austria, I would love to reconnect with IMC Krems Alumni students who live in the Salzburg area. For me it is an honor to be the IMC Alumni Ambassador in Salzburg. I look forward to meeting you and if you are new in Salzburg, I will be very happy to show you this fantastic city and the surrounding area. Together let’s create a living network, where we exchange experiences, get to know each other and share memories of the good old days at the IMC Krems.
Hello everyone! I’m really excited and honoured to become the first IMC Alumni Ambassador in Bulgaria. I graduated from the Marketing and Sales master programme and I can whole-heartedly say that the time I spent in Krems, the experience and knowledge I gained over the course of my studies and the friends I made there are truly some of the best things that have ever happened to me and I’ll cherish my time in Krems forever! I’d love to connect with prospective and current students as well as local and international alumni of the IMC. So, whether you’re only visiting or locally based, be sure to get in touch for coffee, sightseeing, support and advice, or for becoming part of the proud IMC community here in Sofia – we share expertise, explore opportunities and have fun together. I look forward to hearing from you.
Being probably one of the furthest outposts of the IMC Alumni network I look forward to adding Sydney to the IMC map and hopefully connect with many new faces... and yes, there will be BBQs.
When I started at the IMC Krems even earlier when I had my interview with Mr Hundsberger, I felt welcome, I felt at home and I always had the feeling the people at the IMC cared about each other. This is what I would like to give also to the alumni from all over the world a warm welcome and a feeling of being at home within the Alumni community in Ulm.
"I'm proud and happy that I'm an alumnus of IMC Krems! During my studies, I got new friends and met great people! I'm very proud to be an ambassador of Ventspils IMC Krems program alumni! I will do my best to connect all those people who successfully passed studying journey and have already become alumni and also who became alumni in the future!"
Due to the fact that more than 3,000 alumni live and work in Vienna we want to strengthen the close ties between our university and companies in the area of alumni work by linking professional, technical and personal networks.
Hello from Vienna, I am very much looking forward to connecting our alumni in and around the most cosmopolitan city of Austria, Vienna. I am honored to be the IMC Alumni Ambassador for my current hometown. As a former student and employee at IMC Krems, I look forward to connecting many great alumni, that are making a difference all around the world. No matter if you are active in tourism, export or other business related areas, once in the IMC Krems network, you can always count on a friendly smile and face around the world!
You have acquired valuable knowledge and exceptional skills – thanks to your studies, internships and professional experience. We’d love to give you the opportunity to pass on your know-how at the university, by taking part in Career Speed Dating, lecturing or giving a presentation.
It's not easy to get started in a new city. With our IMC Alumni Chapters we want to make a new start a little easier for our graduates. Our Alumni Ambassadors actively support us in creating a "homebase away from home" in many cities worldwide.
At several events (e.g. Open House), alumni give prospective students advice. You’ll answers their questions about degree programmes, internships and career prospects, and tell them about your time at IMC Krems and what you’ve gone on to do. Alumni take part on a voluntary basis. We are always happy to show our appreciation by featuring you in the related coverage on our communications channels if you wish.
Looking for interns or aiming to make your company more appealing to recent graduates? Our colleagues from Career Services are the people to talk to. Take advantage of the university’s Career Links recruitment fair, IMC job platform, the Career Days event, and much more besides – visit the section on career services for companies for an overview of collaboration options.
Internationalisation, networking and bringing people together is part of my daily work. So it is only natural that I want to do all this as an alumni ambassador as well. I have enjoyed my time as a student at the IMC Krems very much and being an alumni ambassador gives me the chance to stay in touch with my alma mater, profit from the know-how of others and share experiences of my own. Especially when being far away from home, it is great to meet people with the same background and similar interests.
As I had an unforgettable time in Krems during my Masters, I wanted to continue this great spirit back in my home country. Now that I teach at an 'FH' myself, I appreciate this time even more. As there are many (international) alumni currently working here in the Netherlands, I hope we can reconnect and gain useful network connections while reliving the IMC atmosphere.
I have enjoyed my time as a student at the IMC Krems so much and being an Alumni Ambassador gives me the chance to keep in touch with our Baku network. It will be an amazing feeling to bring people together and to support them, being that by exchanging ideas and experience, linking networks or organising events and maybe due to this networking platform long-lasting friendships as well as professional relationships may arise.
The main reason to assume the extraordinary opportunity to become an IMC Krems Alumni Ambassador is the chance to reconnect with former study peers, gain new connections with students who studied at our outstanding institution and offer my existing networks, knowledge and expertise to students, alumni and faculty of IMC Krems as well as its stakeholders.
Hi Basel-IMC-Alumni! The Network with great people from industry, research & academia is the key feature of IMC. By creating this Alumni-Chapter in Basel, a home to many biotech and pharmaceutical companies, I believe we can be part of the big network and share knowledge and experiences with each other. I am sure there are many of us out there ;) – Looking forward to getting to know YOU!
I am very happy to stay in contact with IMC and to build a network with alumnis.
The role as Alumni Ambassador enables to connect and build relationships beyond your daily business by sharing a similar experience. Throughout the exchange, among the IMC (FH) Krems alumni network, with diverse professional backgrounds, new impulses are set, which enables a continues learning path essential to master the new work. By facilitating to create a versatile network both graduates as well as experienced professionals will likewise contribute with their individual expertise. Berlin itself offers great opportunities to be jointly explored. I am seeking to create an open atmosphere, where, whether you are local or just passing by, the Berlin chapter is looking forward to welcoming you. Please feel free to reach out!
Get in touch to connect with us in Australia! I am proud to be part of a network that is growing stronger thanks to many IMC Alumni going global and moving across the world, same as I did back in 2014. Here’s to deepening our connections with the University, achieve personal goals, enhance our skills and share your experiences. I am looking forward to hosting a mix of virtual and face-to-face get togethers, representing Australia with my fellow Australian IMC Ambassador Martin Wisata. Let’s get connected and share our pride for IMC Krems!
Dear Alumni, for me networking is an essential aspect of life in Dubai and the UAE. I am looking forward to meeting other IMC Alumni living in Dubai, the other Emirates as well as the GCC region in the next Alumni Reunion in Dubai. In addition, I am also more than happy to support recent graduates or students on the lookout for job and internship opportunities in this fast growing city.
Hello from Cologne, the cosmopolitan city on the river Rhine. Studying at the IMC offered me plenty of great experiences and I always felt welcome and part of a big family. Now I would like to bring the IMC spirit back to Cologne, connecting the alumni that live in the area. I’m also happy to be a point of contact for people new to the region and to offer my network and expertise. Let’s connect the IMC and our local culture.
Hi from Frankfurt, the city of Goethe and the largest financial centre in Europe! I am proud to be the Alumni Ambassador of this vibrant city and I am really looking forward to meeting and greeting former as well as current students of the IMC. Let’s come together to build a strong (and joyful) network, exchange professional experiences and drink an „Äppelwoi“ or two to the good old days at the IMC Krems.
Having studied and worked in China for several years, I know about the importance and the benefits of friendships and networks, providing you with this special anchor you can always rely on. In my opinion the IMC and its alumni network is such an anchor, helping to bring people together, being that by exchanging ideas and experiences, by linking one another or by organizing events. Therefore, I feel privileged to be part of this team and I am looking forward to supporting this goal now in the Graz area.
Dear IMC Krems Alumni, I am happy to welcome you in Hamburg - the 2nd biggest city in Germany and the „door to the world“ as we proudly call it here. I am very honoured to be the IMC Alumni Ambassador for Hamburg and look forward to meeting and greeting many of you! I would like to build a strong network, exchange views and contacts and most important to make you feel at home here in the North of Germany.
"As Alumni Ambassador, i am looking forward to building up the imc network in vietnam and strengthening the alumni community."
IMC Krems made my first move abroad possible. Back then I came to Finland – on a hunch that I'd like living here. 8 years later I returned, probably to stay! By starting the Helsinki Alumni Chapter I'd love to help us all connect on the common basis of our IMC Krems background and leverage our professional networks. I also see the Alumni Chapter as a great way to involve IMC's new graduates or exchange students in a small community to jump-start their social activities in a new city.
I am delighted to officially become the ambassador for the Hungarian IMC Alumni Community. As I have always been an active member of IMC Krems, I have had the privilege of working closely with the Marketing Department over the past few years. Along the way, I could also grow as a person as I met amazing people from all over the world. However, a chapter is closing here for me, I feel honoured to be able to stay connected with prospective and current student as well as alumni by representing our university. Make sure to join our alumni group on LinkedIn and stay tuned for the upcoming meetup! Let's connect on LinkedIn or on Instagram (@hellogrety).
Connecting Individuals from diverse backgrounds and different professions can bring about unforeseen benefits and ideas for everyone involved. I hope that the Alumni Chapter can facilitate new friendships and organize new networks across the Western parts of Austria and beyond. Being part of and helping grow a network that aims to help each other is a big motivational factor for me. With that in mind - I am looking forward to meeting you!
In our digital world personal meetings gain significant importance. At our recent IMC Home Coming Weekend in Krems I was surprised to hear that in Carinthia still no IMC alumni chapter exists. Hence the establishment of an IMC alumni chapter in the beautiful South of Austria is a great opportunity. In my role as a new IMC ambassador I am looking forward to bringing people together, exchanging various experiences and perspectives from all around the world, developing new interlinks or just having a good time together.
I am very happy to be part of the worldwide Alumni Chapters at IMC Krems, mainly to get connected to other students and/or alumni from my home University. This also gives me a chance to create a network and get to know more people. I know it can be tough to move to another country, but I also know that it is easier if you have a network of people to fall back on.
"With more than 25% of Austria´s export, Upper Austria is a strong driver for our national economy. Its capital Linz, having developed as a crucial business location for various industries, attracts the best employees – among them many IMC alumni. The Stammtisch is a great opportunity to enhance one´s network, receive professional as well as personal input from others and most importantly getting to know the countless cultural facets our Steel City has to offer. If you are IMC Alumni living in or around Linz, I am looking forward to meet you and hear your story!"
Feel free to reach out.
I know how it feels being new in a country and how difficult it could be to connect with people. Therefore I want to act as contact point, bringing people together and to help new arrivals having a successful start in a new city. I want to succeed in bringing at least a small part of the IMC spirit to Madrid and maybe due to this networking platform long-lasting friendships as well as professional relationships may arise.
University was not always easy, but it was one of the best moments in my life. As an Alumni Ambassador, I am looking forward to meeting exciting personalities, experiencing moments together and thus "extending my study time”.
Feel free to reach out.
While studying at the IMC Krems I had an unforgettable time, met wonderful people and experienced a truly enriching student life. Since most of my fellow students live in the Eastern part of Austria, I would love to reconnect with IMC Krems Alumni students who live in the Salzburg area. For me it is an honor to be the IMC Alumni Ambassador in Salzburg. I look forward to meeting you and if you are new in Salzburg, I will be very happy to show you this fantastic city and the surrounding area. Together let’s create a living network, where we exchange experiences, get to know each other and share memories of the good old days at the IMC Krems.
Hello everyone! I’m really excited and honoured to become the first IMC Alumni Ambassador in Bulgaria. I graduated from the Marketing and Sales master programme and I can whole-heartedly say that the time I spent in Krems, the experience and knowledge I gained over the course of my studies and the friends I made there are truly some of the best things that have ever happened to me and I’ll cherish my time in Krems forever! I’d love to connect with prospective and current students as well as local and international alumni of the IMC. So, whether you’re only visiting or locally based, be sure to get in touch for coffee, sightseeing, support and advice, or for becoming part of the proud IMC community here in Sofia – we share expertise, explore opportunities and have fun together. I look forward to hearing from you.
Being probably one of the furthest outposts of the IMC Alumni network I look forward to adding Sydney to the IMC map and hopefully connect with many new faces... and yes, there will be BBQs.
When I started at the IMC Krems even earlier when I had my interview with Mr Hundsberger, I felt welcome, I felt at home and I always had the feeling the people at the IMC cared about each other. This is what I would like to give also to the alumni from all over the world a warm welcome and a feeling of being at home within the Alumni community in Ulm.
"I'm proud and happy that I'm an alumnus of IMC Krems! During my studies, I got new friends and met great people! I'm very proud to be an ambassador of Ventspils IMC Krems program alumni! I will do my best to connect all those people who successfully passed studying journey and have already become alumni and also who became alumni in the future!"
Due to the fact that more than 3,000 alumni live and work in Vienna we want to strengthen the close ties between our university and companies in the area of alumni work by linking professional, technical and personal networks.
Hello from Vienna, I am very much looking forward to connecting our alumni in and around the most cosmopolitan city of Austria, Vienna. I am honored to be the IMC Alumni Ambassador for my current hometown. As a former student and employee at IMC Krems, I look forward to connecting many great alumni, that are making a difference all around the world. No matter if you are active in tourism, export or other business related areas, once in the IMC Krems network, you can always count on a friendly smile and face around the world!
Feel free to contact us: [email protected]