

The 12th International Student Conference in Tourism Research (ISCONTOUR) 2025 is hosted at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.

Zwei Personen sitzen an einem weißen Tisch, eine Person hält ein Mobilgerät, die andere benutzt einen Laptop

Research papers from the widest spectrum of the below mentioned topics are presented by students and graduates of Bachelor-, Master and Doctoral Degree programmes. The best three submitted papers in the following categories will be awarded: Marketing and Management, Destination Management, Family Businesses in Tourism, Tourism Product Development & Sustainability, Information and Communication Technologies, Financing and Budgeting, Human Resource Management.

The annual non-for-profit conference is an outstanding platform for knowledge transfer and networking for students, graduates, professors, researchers and practitioners. ISCONTOUR attracts every year around 100 participants from more than 30 countries. 

More information about the event


  • Paper submission deadline: 8 January 2025
  • Reviewers' feedback: by 29 January 2025
  • Submission date for revised paper: 28 February 2025

Submissions must comprise 12 pages and should be based on approved Bachelor- and Mater-theses, evaluated seminar papers, or work-in-progress PhD theses. All submissions will be evaluated for novelty, significance and soundness by an international scientific review committee. Authors will receive valuable feedback by the reviewers how to improve their article. Papers which pass the review process will be accepted for presentation at the conference and will be included in the printed conference proceedings. The authors of the best three research papers will be honoured with an award at the conference.

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